Friday 30 April 2010

Spring Break...In a paragraph

Okay so here's the deal...
Spring Break was so long and so much happened!!! So I've pretty much given up on this whole blogging thing.  I'm blaming it on laziness because it would take me forever to remember everything that happened and write it all down in separate entries.  So here's a quick summary...I spent my first week in Italy.  I was in Milan for a day, Venice for two days, Florence for two days, and Rome for three days.  While I was there I saw Rialto Bridge, watched the sunset from Piazza Michelangelo, I saw Michelangelo's David, The Colosseum, The Palatine/Roman Forum, St. Peter's Basilica, The Sistine Chapel, and I ended the week with a candlelit ceremony of the stations of the Cross with thousands of people in front of the Colosseum...and I got to see the Pope.  I'd say week one was a huge success and I loved it!!! Week two consisted of a trip to Paris and Chateau Chantilly with Deanne and her family.  That was from Monday to Wednesday.  Then I met up with my dad on Thursday night and on Friday we went to Luxembourg/Germany.  We stayed in a little village called Nittel because that was where our friends live.  So I got to catch up with Lea and Nina Berndorfer over the weekend because we hadn't seen eachother since I lived in El Paso TX...and that was a long time ago.  I absolutely loved the rich German culture that I was exposed to, and have decided that  I have to go back there again sometime.  Week three started on Monday when I met up with the group of girls I was traveling with in Barcelona Spain.  We spent two days in Barcelona and the rest of the week in Valencia.  I walked down Las Ramblas, saw Sagrada Familia, one of the Gaudi houses, walked through Parc Guell, and swam in the Mediterranean...which was absolutely freezing!!!  But I loved it.  The end of Break was a bit stressful because of the volcano that erupted in Iceland grounding all air traffic in Europe.  So I spend a good thirty hours on the road trying to get back to the UK...which included a 20 hour bus ride, a 2 hour taxi ride, a ferry ride, and two more bus rides...that was an adventure in and of itself.  I was extremely relieved to get back to my room and just crash because I was exhausted. It had been a long three weeks but it was totally amazing and I loved just about every second of it. So if you want more details to my Spring Break just ask me about it and I'll gladly give you more details.  It's just too much to write out.

So I go home in sixteen days!  How crazy is that.  I still feel like I just got here and it should not be over yet!  I'm going to miss this place so incredibly much.  I've fallen in love with England and it's going to be so hard to go home.  Thank goodness I still have sixteen days to party it up in England!!! :)

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