Sunday 7 March 2010

Day one with Laura and Tara...

So to start the week...
Today I rolled out of bed and grabbed my cleaning supplies, because my bathroom was in desperate need of cleaning and I wanted it to be clean when Laura and Tara got here.  It ended up taking a bit longer than I thought to get it cleaned up, so I had to rush a bit to get ready because me and Deanne were leaving at two to meet them at the bus station.  But I managed to be ready on time.  We got to the bus station and Laura and Tara were already there waiting for we ran across the street...we were just that excited.  They looked rather tired and worn down...which I expected because I was the same exact way when I first got here.  So we took them to Regency and put their stuff in our rooms.  We just kind of chatted for  a little while...not entirely sure what to do...but we eventually decided to go to Tesco so they could get some breakfast and lunch foods for the next few days, since me and Deanne would have class and they would have to fend for themselves.  After putting the groceries away, we just all hung out in Deanne's room and chatted...which was really nice.  Sometime after five we all joined Suzie in the kitchen because she was cooking dinner...baked potato was a bit rushed because me and Deanne were going to church at six so it wasn't completely cooked, but it was still yummy.  After dinner, me, Deanne, and Bethany went to Trinity Church.  It was a very interesting service and I encountered a lot of things that I never have before.  They are big believers in gifts of the speaking on tongues, healings, dreams/visions, miracles...that sort of thing.  At one point the entire congregation was on their knees praying...and it was intense...the most intense praying I have ever seen...people were lifting their hands up, putting their hands on people around them, crying, kneeling with their faces to the ground, speaking in tongues.  They were praying for healing for different things that people were suffering from.  It was definitely not something I'm going to made me really think about what I believe about things like that, and that it's not just something we read about in the Bible but is something encountered today.  It was very interesting and thought provoking.  After church we came back and found Laura and Tara both barely awake so we decided that for tonight they would just sleep in Deanne's room since they both wanted to go to bed...and me and Deanne were not even close to being Deanne moved into my room and is sleeping on an air mattress!!!  It's been really fun having a roommate again.  We just chilled and chatted...hung out in the kitchen with Suzie at one point...and now we're getting ready to go to sleep.  Nighty night. 

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