Saturday 6 March 2010


Let me backtrack to yesterday...
Friday started out with a meeting with Sandy at one about our planning for Spring Break...which went relatively well.  We basically just told her what we had planned.  After that, me, Deanne, and Suzie decided to go for a walk to was really really nice out...nice enough for me to go out just wearing a sweater instead of a coat.  We walked to Starbucks and all got frappachinos.  We sat there for a while just chatting, then we decided to walk across the street to Cult cause it looked really cool and had some nice clothes.  Their clothes were kinda pricey, so we went straight to the clearance rack...which is where I found my mermaid dress.  Its completely covered in green sequins, therefore making me look like a mermaid.  I think it's really now I have an outfit for the next time I go out.  Then we went to Primark because Deanne was looking for a fun going out sort of shirt.  While she looked around I tried one some bathing suits...they were really cheap and I need a new one, especially when we go to the beach over spring break...but I didn't really like any of them, so I left there empty handed.  Then we had to make a quick run to Tesco for food for dinner.  Then we came back to Regency, had dinner, and then I just chilled for the remainder of the night.  I did do some drawing...I finished one of my drawings actually, which was nice.  
Today I got up kind of late, but that's's Saturday.  Around three thirty, Me, Deanne, Bethany, and Suzie headed to the Brewery because we had to buy tickets for Alice in Wonderland which we were going to go see tonight.  After we got out tickets...and 3D glasses...Suzie went to Tesco while Me, Deanne, and Bethany went to Madalans...Deanne was still looking for a shirt because she hadn't found one yesterday.  I just kind of looked around...I had already decided that I wasn't going to buy anything there.  We didn't stay there very long.  After that we went to High Street and I stopped at Poundland to look for something that would unclog my shower's annoying to take a shower in a good inch of water every morning cause I'm always afraid it's going to overflow.  Thankfully I found some and now my shower is draining properly.  I also got some silver glitter eyeliner at Poundland, just for fun.  Then we went to Primark....again...Bethany just wanted to get something really quick.  Then we went to Accessorize...which is the main reason I went with them to go shopping...because I wanted a flower clip for my hair...its really in over here and it looks totally adorable.  I ended up getting a pair of lilies...they're smaller, but I liked them the best.  Then we headed back to Regency.  I ended up taking a nap until dinner.  After dinner I only had about an hour until we were going to leave for the theatre.  At nine, we all left.  It was Me, Deanne, Jess, Suzie, Bethany, Sarah, Hannah, Rachel, and a friend of Rachel's...basically our whole flat minus the other Hannah and Jamie.  The movie turned out to be really good...and it was really cool in 3D.  I had never seen anything in 3D was slightly disorienting at first, but once I got used to it, it was really great.  The movie itself was great in my opinion...I really liked Johnny Depp/the Mad Hatter...I was kinda sad when Alice left him in Wonderland.   But I highly recommend seeing it.  Now I'm back in my room and I figured I should do some blogging.  Oh and tomorrow Laura and Tara come to visit!!!!!!  So the next few days are going to be super fun!!!

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