Tuesday 23 February 2010

Back to Hogwarts, and then out with Brits...

So last time I blogged I forgot something... 
Two Fridays ago Deanne, Bethany, and I went to Gloucester...which is basically the next town over from Cheltenham.  We were going to see the Gloucester Cathedral.  It was kind of strange to see this huge cathedral in Gloucester...I felt like it should have been in a bigger city or something. But anyways...the main reason that we were going to see it was because it was where parts of Harry Potter was filmed!!! So we were pretty excited...well me and Deanne were, Bethany isn't into Harry Potter.  When we got to the cathedral we asked if we could get a tour...Suzie and Jess had gone a few weeks before and had highly recommended that we ask to get a tour.  So this very nice old man gave us a tour.  He told us all about the cathedral...how it used to be bigger, that it was built in different eras, how it was expanded, how the roof was added on, how Edward II was crowned there, where historical people were buried, how the monks would sit in the cloisters and write...there was a ton of history there I actually forgot about Harry Potter.  Well not completely...after the tour we went back through the cathedral to take pictures...yes we were allowed to take pictures!!!!! When we got out to the cloisters I got excited again cause its part of Hogwarts!!!  So me and Deanne took some pictures of us dueling in the hallway with wands...well technically they were pens but it was still cool.  After we were finished at the cathedral, we wandered around Gloucester for a while...went to H&M to do some shopping...I wasn't really in a shopping mood so I didn't end up getting anything but that's okay.  Then we headed back to Cheltenham.  
Now I feel better.  When I realized that I had forgotten about something when I had done all my catching up a few days ago I was annoyed and it bothered me...so I just had to blog again.  While I'm at it I'll write about yesterday.  I had class, which was kinda boring...but that's not unusual.  I went and got my baguette after class...along with some shampoo and conditioner cause I didn't have any more.  When I came back to my room I made lunch...a baguette sandwich and blueberries.  Around one twenty Suzie knocked on my door to tell me that she was ready to leave for our meeting...me and her were going to Park Campus to meet with Sandy about spring break and what we had planned so far.  Trying to save money, we decided to walk to Park Campus.  There was only one problem to our plan...neither of us really knew where it was, so we ended up getting somewhat lost and it ended up taking us a lot longer to get there.  But we eventually got there.  I had never been to Park Campus before so I didn't know what to expect.  Well it turns out that the Park Campus is actually like a typical college campus...academic buildings and dorms and students milling around...it made me miss Messiah.  It was very different from FCH where it's just all academic buildings and you only go there if you have class.  Oh well....FCH is definitely way prettier and cooler looking than Park Campus, so it's okay.  But back to my day...we met with Sandy and told her our plans for spring break and she gave us some advice and help with some of the plans. The amount of information that she gave us could have easily only taken fifteen to twenty minutes, however the meeting went for an hour and a lot of it was just chit chat.  That's something that is very different over here.  When you talk with someone, they very easily tell you about their life and different things that they do.  So our meeting about spring break also included Sandy's weekend and how horrible it was and how she is planning to move in with her boyfriend.  So after we finally finished our meeting we took the bus back home...neither of us felt like walking back.  After getting back I just chilled in my room until dinner which was early because we had our class at five forty-five.  Unfortunately when I left my room to go to dinner, I grabbed my dishes but not my keys, so I was locked out of my room...our doors lock when you close them.  So I ended up skipping class because I had to wait until the security guy came and unlocked my door.  By the time he came class was already started and I really didn't want to walk ten blocks in the dark.  So I just didn't go.  I ended up doing some skyping with Nate instead...which I think was a much better use of my time.  At about eight forty Rachel, one of the British girls on my flat knocked on my door and asked if I still wanted to go and see Valentine's Day.  I said that I did, so I quickly changed and Me, Rachel, Sarah, and Jamie...all British girls on my flat...went out to the movies.  We made a quick run to One Stop first to get some cheap snacks.  It ended up being a lot of fun and I felt very British hanging out with them...I haven't hung out with just the British girls before, there's always been another American.  It was kinda cool.  But anyways...the movie was really really cute...lots of different stories going on, but they all seemed tied together so it worked.  I really enjoyed it.  We got back sometime after eleven and I didn't stay up much later.  I was in been just after midnight cause I was really tired.  Today nothing happened cause I didn't have class so I slept in and just relaxed inside, because it was a cold dreary English day outside.  Now I'm going to go to the kitchen and help with dinner. 

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