Wednesday 24 February 2010

Totally Wicked!!!!

Wow...What a day...
So today I skipped class, but it was totally completely worth because I went to London with five other people to see Wicked!!!!!  To be perfectly honest, until today I didn't really know anything about Wicked.  I had heard several of the songs, but I didn't really know what it was about other than the Wicked Witch of the West.  So I was just kind of going along for fun and to find out what everyone raved about.  The group was me, Deanne, Bethany, Greg, Kelly, and Danielle...they're all Americans studying here through BCA.  We left on the nine forty-five bus to London and got there just after noon.  First we went to the Apollo Victoria Theatre to pick up our tickets.  The show didn't start until two thirty so we found a place to eat lunch...which ended up being a restaurant where a whole bunch of people in business suits were eating and meeting, so I felt slightly out of place.  But the waiters seated us out of the way and not by all the business people so it was okay.  We ate a leisurely lunch and got done close to two, so we made our way back to the Apollo Victoria Theatre.  We did stop to take some pictures on the way, but we soon were back at the theatre and were waiting until they would let us go in and seat ourselves. We didn't have to wait very long, so we went in and found our seats...which were really really good.  We were fifteen rows back on the left side.  The stage looked really awesome...there was a giant dragon that protruded out from the top of the stage and fabric draped above looked great.  Then the play started and I was floored.  IT WAS TOTALLY COMPLETELY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The actors were fantastic and their voices were awesome.  The costumes and sets and lighting and everything was so fabulous!!!!! I just couldn't get enough of it.  One of my favorite parts was the song Defying Gravity because the lighting at the end of that song is just so stunning you feel like Elphaba is really just hovering above gave me the goosebumps.  I totally loved it!!!  I just loved how it flowed into the story of the Wizard of's kind of like a behind the scenes of the Wizard of Oz and it totally works.  I was very pleasantly surprised with it.  I don't think I'll ever be able to watch the Wizard of Oz in the same way again.  If you haven't seen Wicked, you definitely should and then you'll understand what I mean.  It's amazing!!! It got done around five fifteen, so we all made our way back to the bus station...we were all kind of in a state of shock at how totally amazing Wicked was...but we made it, and went to Victoria Station for dinner...there's a bunch of different fast food places inside.  We ate and hung out til about six ten and then we had to go find our bus because it left at six thirty.  We got on the bus and headed back home.  I got back to my room at around nine thirty.  It wasn't much later that Deanne knocked on my door and told me that her, Bethany, and Suzie were going out to Boogie Lounge, so I decided to go with because I just love Boogie Lounge and it's always fun.  I got ready...basically changed my outfit and redid my makeup...and we left around eleven.  It was rather empty when we got there but it's hard to pass up good dancing music, so we were on the dance floor and just ignored the fact that there were only a few other people dancing.  That didn't last very long though and within half an hour the floor was filling up fast...but that's totally okay because that just makes everything just that much more fun!!!  Again they played great music and we stayed until nearly one.  But I do have a class tomorrow and can't stay out too terribly late dancing, as much as I would totally love that.  So my day has come to a close, but it was definitely an awesome day!!!!!!!!!

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