Thursday 25 February 2010

Let the good times roll...

And the good days continue....
So I'm just going to start this story after class ended...because class is class and I'm sure you'd rather not be bored to tears with the dreary details.  This afternoon ended up being a very productive afternoon for me.  I first cleaned up my room and put my laundry in the washing machine.  Then I took a trip to the store...first to Primark for some very unneeded unmentionables which I managed to get on sale which was majorly exciting...and then it was off to Tesco because I was completely out of food and I really can't survive very long without my salt and vinegar crisps and dark chocolate covered digestives...I know that sounds gross, but believe me...they are amazing!!  So I came back to my room very stocked up on everything and feeling very accomplished.  Then I went downstairs to switch over my laundry to the dryer, and on my way back up the stairs I noticed that the vacuum cleaners were sitting under the stairs...they are usually not I got really excited and grabbed one.  I had been needing to vacuum my room for a while, so I finally got to vacuum my room!!! I know I'm weird cause I got really excited about vacuuming but I don't care...I like having a clean room.  After I was done vacuuming, I got my laundry out of the dryer and put my clothes away.  And then my room was clean and organized and it was great!  So I rewarded myself with a little nap before dinner.  Now I'm going to fast forward again to about nine o'clock because that was when I started getting ready to go out...again.  This time I curled my hair and I wore the dress that I bought in London a week ago...which is super cute!!!  There were a whole bunch of us going out and a lot of them were chilling in the kitchen so I went out and joined them.  We all ended up playing spoons until about eleven...then it was time to head out.  We were going to a club called the Place.  I hadn't been there before but everyone had said that it was really fun and had great music. So I figured I might as well try it out, and that turned out to be a great decision.  The Place has two dance floors and is much bigger than Boogie Lounge.  And they also played fabulous music...granted their music is a lot louder than at Boogie and almost two hours after leaving, my ears are still ringing...but it was so much fun.  We didn't leave until two tonight and I still wanted more!!! England is really bringing out the dancer in me.  I'm pretty sure I could have easily danced the night away.  But I could not, so I am left thinking about it and looking forward to the next time I go out dancing.  It's always one of the highlights of my week. 

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