Saturday 20 February 2010

Twister n' London...

Wow I'm totally failing at keeping up on here, so now I have to press stop and rewind my life a bit...
The last time I wrote was last Wednesday, so I'll start there.  Thursday I don't think much of anything happened because I don't really remember anything happening then.  Friday was pretty relaxed as well, up until dinner ended.  After dinner Deanne, Suzie, and I watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.  I hadn't seen it before.  When we got towards the end when poor Dumbledore finished drinking the potion and Harry goes to give him water, Deanne and Suzie were really tense because they had seen it before and they were making me really nervous, so when that thing grabbed Harry, we all jumped and got scared.  The movie ended around one, so we all said goodnight and went to our rooms.  However I was not tired, so I got out my scissors and went to the bathroom.  I had been wanting to cut my hair for a few days so I decided to do it right then.  I was about halfway through when Deanne knocked on my door to ask me something.  Then Suzie came out cause she heard us talking and it turned out that none of us were tired.  So we went to the kitchen and chatted, danced, and just hung out for a while.  Finally after a while we started to get tired and headed to our rooms again.  I finished cutting my hair and then went to bed.  Saturday was the same way and didn't get interesting and fun until after dinner.  Since Suzie, Deanne, and I were the only people on our flat...everyone else had left for the weekend...we planned to have a twister night.  However we didn't have a twister Suzie and Bethany made one.  They painted different colored circles on pieces of paper and suck them on the floor and the walls in our hallway. It was a little while before we actually started playing twister because we had to wait for more people to come, but once we started it got really intense.  There were six of us all playing twister in the hallway and trying to take each other out.  It was really hysterical. After playing two rounds of it I was all out of energy.  So I helped call the different colors.  Finally everyone was all tired out so we said goodnight and headed to our rooms.  On Sunday Deanne, Suzie, and I went out to the store to get supplies for the Valentines Party we were planning on having that night.  We got all dressed up and sometime after nine people started to show up.  We all just hung out in our kitchen, listened to music, played cards, and ate snacks.  It ended up being a lot of fun.  I left the party at around two, but some people stayed up later and played twister again.  I just didn't have any energy left to do that so I went to bed.  On Monday I didn't have class because it was canceled, so I spent the entire day in my room writing my paper that was due on Thursday.  I did get it completely done which was a huge relief.  I was so tired that I ended up going to bed at ten thirty...I haven't gone to bed that early in a really long time, but my body was screaming at me for sleep so I gave in.  Tuesday nothing really happened.  I went to class, came back, had dinner, hung out, eventually went to bed...although I did get woken up at four thirty in the morning by drunken British students because Tuesday night was a major night to go out.  It was Carnage which is basically a night of club hopping and getting ridiculously drunk.  Thankfully it's only a once a year event so I won't have to deal with that again.  Nothing really happened on Wednesday either.  Thursday was awesome!!!! Deanne and I went to see Owl City in London!!!! We left on the nine forty-five bus and got to London around noon.  We first stopped to get lunch in the Victoria station.  Then we went to the Tube and got day passes because the Electric Ballroom...the club where the concert was at...was not close to the bus station.  So we took the tube to the Electric Ballroom because we had to pick up our tickets.  However when we got there, the security guard standing outside told us that we would have to wait in line and once the doors opened...which was at seven...we would just pick up our tickets and go in.  And we found out that there were already people in line!!  It was only two o'clock and there were probably like seven people in line already.  So Deanne and I decided to just wander around that area of town and check the line every so often to see how long it was.  So we wandered around and found a few different markets in the area with really cute stuff.  So I ended up buying a pink scarf and a cute black dress that has a white bow on the front.  At about four we stopped in a cafe for something to eat because we knew we would probably be getting in line soon and wouldn't have time to eat until after the concert.  We ended up getting into the line at four-thirty.  It was not a nice day to wait outside for two and a half hours.  It rained off and on, so I ended up getting soaked.  It was a long wait, but it was definitely worth it because we were really really close to the stage when we finally got inside.  It was really packed inside.  It wasn't too bad for the opening act, which was Lights...a girl from Canada who does the same sort of music as Owl City.  She was really good.  Then once she was done and Owl City came out, everyone pushed forward and I was completely sandwiched between people.  I literally could not move.  But it was okay because I had a perfect view of Adam Young and was standing almost directly in front of him.  He was fabulous!!!!!!!  I felt kind of bad for him though because he was sick so every so often he would start coughing during a song, but he still sounded amazing!!!!  The concert ended around ten fifteen, so once we got out of the mob of people and picked up our coats from the coat check, me and Deanne got on the tube made our way back to Victoria station...where we had to pick up our bus.  We were both really hungry so we picked up a snack on the way.  We finally got on the bus at eleven thirty, and it was a very quiet ride back home.  We were both exhausted.  We didn't get back to Regency until nearly three in the morning and once I got in my room I collapsed into bed and slept until three the next afternoon.  Nothing terribly exciting has happened since then.  I just relaxed all day yesterday.  I did stay up rather until four am...talking to my mom on the phone, but that's okay because I slept in again today.  And that brings everything back up to date.  I'd say that I won't let myself get that much behind again, but I know I probably will at some point, but I'll try not to.  

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