Thursday 28 January 2010

Barefootin' through Town...

I've decided that dancing is definitely a great break in the week...
I've been considering going out for a while, but I finally went out last night and loved it. isn't interesting unless you take some risks and live a little...and sometimes you find that it is the most fun. I guess you could say that the fun began when Deanne and I actually decided to go out...which naturally meant we needed other words, shopping! We went to Primark to look around and get some ideas, which is where I got a pair of shiny hot pink heels, mainly because they were on sale and looked really fun. But then I had a problem...the dress I was planning on wearing out did not match those I just had to improvise. After shopping I went to my room and practically tore apart my closet trying to find an outfit that would go with those awesome heels. It did take a little while, but I finally decided on dark skinny jeans and my turquoise zip-up shirt. The club we were going to didn't open until ten thirty, so Me, Deanne, Susie, and some other girls decided to go out for dessert first and then head over to the club...which was called The Boogie Lounge. Unfortunately things didn't go exactly as we had hoped. We left a bit late, so we ended up missing dessert because most places stop serving food at around ten. We wandered the streets for a while, however we didn't want to be the first ones at the Boogie Lounge, so we decided to stop at a pub for a while to kill some time. We hung out there for a good forty five minutes before heading out again. I honestly was not sure what to expect at the club...but when we got there it turned out to be so much fun. Deanne, Susie, Bethany, and I all headed straight for the dance floor...they were playing awesome music...and that was where we stayed for the next hour and a half. By the time twelve thirty rolled around, my feet were killing me...I hadn't realized there was going to be so much dancing involved so the heels weren't the best thing to have worn...and I had a nine fifteen class in the morning. So me and Susie said goodnight to the group and headed back to Regency. The second I got outside, I took off my shoes because there was absolutely no way that I was going to walk back in them. So we walked barefoot back home...we did feel pretty safe though because we figured if anyone tried to attack us...well we had shoes with heels in our hands...enough said. When I got back, I crawled into bed...after washing my feet...and fell asleep.
Today, I had my Islam class...which is pretty interesting. After class I went to Tesco because I was majorly craving a baguette. I pretty much made my day by buying a baguette and some apples for lunch. It was definitely the best lunch ever. That in combination with a nice nap and some Harry Potter definitely made for a lovely afternoon...and I even got my laundry done. Deanne and I went out for dinner at Ben and Jerry's...a New York Itialian style restaurant. And the rest of the evening I just relaxed. Not a bad way to close the week....

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