Thursday 7 January 2010

Welcome to...Hogwarts?!

Now day three here in England is coming to a close...
It wasn't quite as crazy as the past few days have been, but today was a lot more information oriented. I got up a little after nine and got ready. I met up with everyone else at ten for breakfast...which consisted of cornflakes for me. After breakfast we all broke up into groups and made a list of all our hopes and fears while being here in Cheltenham. For me, I'm mainly scared of the classes...the system is different here and everything seems kind of intense and I really want to do decently in all my classes. On the other hand, my main hope is to blend learn the act, speak, and appear as a local. But back to the day...we all reconvened after about half and hour to share what we had written. This ended up taking quite a while, but eventually we finished. Then we were set free to feed ourselves lunch. My flatmates (Deanne, Jess, and Susie) and I met up in my room to figure out what we were going to do relative to food. We made a list of things to buy, but by that time we had run out of time to actually go grocery shopping, so we all just ran out and got outselves a quick lunch. Then we met the group back at Regency Hall and ended up leaving again..this time for the University. We were going to the Francis Close Hall Campus...there are four different campuses for the University of Gloucestershire in this general area with the farthest one being ten miles away. The FCH campus is a ten block walk away from Regency, which actually was not all that bad. When we walked into campus...I was completely breathless...not because of the walk but because the campus was like straight from my dreams. Nearly all the buildings were made of stone and they all looked out to a main courtyard. It reminded me of Hogwarts. I have always dreamed of going to school at a place like that...and it actually came true!!! I was in awe for quite a while. It's beautiful. But I couldn't stay in the clouds for long because I had to pay attention. We went inside and got a tour of the Learning Centre...the Library, but they don't call it that. From there we had a meeting about was a long meeting with a lot of information. We didn't get done with that meeting until after four, but after that we were free for the night. On the way back from FCH my flatmates and I went grocery shopping, which was interesting. The grocery store was very very small compared to the stores back at home and everything is in smaller quantities. But we managed to find everything we needed and made our way back to Regency. When we got back we were hungry, so Susie made dinner which was a kind of curry was delicious, she's an amazing cook. We cleaned up, put everything away, and ended up all hanging out and watching Robin Hood Men in Tights. Everything has been pretty low key since then...I'm actually sitting in my room eating the baguette that I ordered for lunch today but didn't finish, and it's quite yummy.

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