Wednesday 6 January 2010

Day Two...

And so the story continues...
Well this morning my alarm went off a little before nine o'clock...I had forgotten to turn up the volume so it took me a little while to actually hear my alarm, but I heard it eventually. We were all supposed to meet up and be ready by ten so we could go out to breakfast. So I eventually climbed out of bed, took a hot shower...with really good water pressure...and got ready. Me and Deanne met up just before ten and went downstairs, only to find that the plans had changed. It had snowed another few inches during the night so the University was closed, which was where we were going to go for breakfast. So the ladies in charge of us had gone out and bought some cereal, milk, bread, and fruit so we could eat breakfast...which was greatly appreciated. So instead of going out into the freezing cold, we got to eat a lovely breakfast inside. After breakfast had been cleaned up, orientation began. We received lots of instructions and people here consider it very rude if you're not on time and if you don't say please or thank-you...but it was all very helpful. Orientation probably lasted an hour or two, then we got sent back to our rooms to get our coats and things because it was time for a tour of the town. It was rather cold and windy...which made the cold all that much the tour didn't last terribly long. Our guide, Sandy, showed us the main stuff like the bus station, the place to find a taxi, High Street...which is where a lot of shops and restaurants are..., the post office, a grocery store,...and a few other place which of course I can't remember at the moment. At the end of our little tour she let us do as we pleased, and just told us to be back at Regency Hall at four-thirty to leave for dinner. So Deanne, Michelle, Tyler, and I went first to the grocery store, mainly to look around. Everyone got something to drink except me, and we went off to the next store which was Primark. Its sort of like a small department store, so we went in to look for blankets and a blow dryer for Deanne. I ended up getting a really cute black over-the-shoulder purse for 3 Pounds...which I thought was a pretty decent price...I didn't like carrying my wallet in my pocket and I didn't really want to put it in my shoulder purse, so it was a good buy for me. From there we went to the phone shop where I got a cell phone. Its rather small and light but I like it...and it was really cheap. After getting my phone we all headed back to Regency Hall...we were all rather cold and it was time to warm up. I had about half an hour to myself before I had to bundle back up and go back outside to walk to the restaurant we were going to for dinner. On the way to dinner we ended up taking a double-decker bus. The restaurant we went to was very was inside an old church that had been build in the early 1800's. The kitchen was right up in the front of the church, and actually the giant oven was right where the alter would have been. It was very interesting...and of course I didn't bring my camera because I was expecting to eat in just a typical restaurant, not a refurbished church. Oh well,...the food was absolutely delicious. I had a fettucine dish and a chocolate melt for dessert...which is like a little chocolate cake with warm melted chocolate fudge in the center with a scoop of vanilla ice cream to go with it. It was absolutely mouthwatering. We were probably at the restaurant for about two hours...I know, that's a crazy long time, but that's totally okay to do here in Europe. Well we eventually left and were free for the night, but everything here is closed pretty much after six, so I just went back to my room. It was too cold to wander around outside anyways. So I've just been relaxing in my room...setting up skype and catching up with all you back at home. But now the day is done and I should probably head to bed...we'll be doing more walking tomorrow...most likely to the actual university which is ten blocks away.

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