Monday 11 January 2010

Buckle up for reality..time for classes

Today the semester began...
This morning I woke up about nine and got ready for classes...I had to make sure I looked extra good...just in case. My class started at ten fifteen, but I wanted to get there early so I left Regency at around nine forty-five. I got to FCH at about ten and it probably only took me about two minutes after that to find my classroom, so I had about fifteen minutes to wait. I waited out in the corridor...hallway...with other British students...apparently here you don't go into the classroom unless you tutor...professor...goes in first and lets you in. At just about ten fifteen my tutor showed up and we all filed into our classroom. There were only about eight other students in my module...class..., and because the module ran for a full year I started getting questions as to weather or not I was in the correct room. But as soon I said I was with BCA they all instantly understood and started asking where I was from...and when I told them New York they got all excited...until I said I was actually from the other side of New York and about seven hours from the actual city. That part always seems to surprise people because they don't know how large New York is. But anyways...the first half of the two hours was spent with the tutor lecturing on Jack Kerouac and The Beats from the 1950's in America...with I found rather interesting. Then we had a few minute break and when we met back up again we were supposed to discuss the book that we were supposed to have read for class that day...but almost no one had read the book yet so we ended up watching a documentary about Jack Kerouac. Then class was done, and I was free for the rest of the day...and it was only twelve fifteen. I was very relieved that my first day had gone well because I had been very nervous about this class...its a three hundred level class which means it's like a senior level class and I wasn't sure if I was going to be in over my head by taking it...but I talked with the tutor and she said that I shouldn't have too much of a hard time with it, which was a major relief. So after class I went back to Regency, got some lunch and just chilled for a few hours. I started getting slightly drowsy about mid-afternoon and laid down and the next thing I knew it was five o'clock and Deanne was knocking on my door to let me know that Denise (our director) was downstairs giving out our food money for the week. So I quickly woke myself up and went down to get my money. Then it was time to start making dinner, which was a nacho thing...we made the unfortunate discovery that the salsa here tastes more like Ketchup than actual salsa...that will take some getting used to. After dinner I chilled for a while...then Nate and I skyped...for like two hours which was quite fun. Then I went over to Jess's room and me, her, and Deanne all chatted for a few minutes. It was nearly midnight by this time, but I figured it would be a good time to call home and try using my cell phone that I got here. It did take me a few tries to get the number right, but I got to talk to my parents for a good half hour and we were able to do some catching up which was great. And now it's past one so I should probably head off to two of classes tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brittany. I am just catching up on the blog. Sounds like you are having lots of cool and new experiences. Keep writing!

    Aunt Julie
