Saturday 9 January 2010

Set back the clock...a few thousand years...

Today took place in another century...another time...another place...
This morning was an early morning, I woke up just after seven thirty. I had to get ready and get really bundled up because today we were taking a trip...we were going to Bath. I was pretty excited about this trip and had heard a lot about how awesome Bath is, so I was hoping I would like it. I met up with the whole group of BCA students at about eight thirty and shortly thereafter, we loaded onto the coach (its a bus for you Americans, but I'm trying to get the lingo down and this helps me practice...and you get to learn as its a win win situation). This time the drive was short, only about an hour...I ended up falling asleep for a little while on the way...I'm not really a morning person. We arrived in Bath and the sun was coming up over the hills and shining down on the town and it was stunning. The coach dropped us off in front of the Bath Abbey...which was a beautiful Abbey. From there we went to a place called Sally Lunns. It's the oldest tea shop in Bath...and where the Lunn bun is from. So we had tea...which was delicious...and Lunn buns with clotted cream and strawberry jam...I felt this was my first authentic British meal yet on this trip...and it was probably nearly the best meal I've had on this trip so far. I was so full after eating about 3/4 of the bun, but I felt it was a crime to leave any of the bun uneaten because it was just that I ate the last fouth and felt very satisfied. After this scrumptious meal we went over to the Roman Bath Houses. This was definitely the highlight of the trip. We walked through the ruins of the bath house and it was awesome. I kept picturing Romans walking along the baths and people lounging in the alcoves and everyone enjoying the naturally heated water of the hot springs underground...which they believed came from a goddess, so bathing was some what of a ritual as well as a leisure and enjoyment. As I took pictures, I longed to see this great bath house back in its prime...when the pools were eneclosed...the tiles were covered in mosaics...when the water was unpolluted and clear...when it was majestic. Unfortunately, sometimes time is a curse and it's impossible to go back. But anyways...we walked through the different rooms and chambers and it was very cool. After the bath houses, Deanne and I wandered the streets of Bath, looking at the shops, looking at the old buildings, taking pictures, and enjoying the sights and sounds of the city. We saw a cafe called the Boston Tea Party...we were tempted to go inside and demand a free cup of tea since we were from America and Deanne lives relatively close to Boston...but decided against it. One thing that I found rather fascinating was the sight of a man, walking a tightrope and playing a violin...I was very impressed. Well, time passed again and we headed back to where the coach dropped us off a little before three. We met back with the rest of our group, got back on the bus and headed home. After we got back it was nearly dinner time, so my flatmates and I had baguette pizza for dinner...which turned out to be rather good and it was easy to make. After we cleaned up, the four of us plus Chrystal who lives on a different floor, all watched She's the Man which was fun. Now I'm just relaxing in my room...slightly concerned that I might be getting sick because my throat has started to hurt and my head feels rather heavy...but other than that minor setback it was a fabulous day.

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